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Don’t Make A Splash, If You Do – Design to Protect from Weld Spatter — in Weld Jig & Fixture Design

Weld splatter can be a real issue in weld fixture maintenance and spatter guards can be key to a functional jig. Some companies use spatter guard. Some cases require a chemical coating on the fixture. See what the welding experts have to say about the ways they use to reduce spatter and protect parts from spatter.


Weld Fixture Design – Easy and Practical Way to Determine Fastener Length

Weld Fixture Design and Machine Tool Design and even CAD Drafting requires knowing how long a fastener should be. The Queen of Lean Machine Design offers you guidance with this short video that shows an easy and practical calculation for fastener length.


 Weld Fixture Design — Drilling and Tapping — Discover MORE From the Experts in Machine Tool Design

Experienced Machinists and Machine Tool Designers Provide great tips and advice in this edition of Weld Fixture Design 101. Plus there are 3 MORE things to know about drilling and tapping for beginning CAD Drafters and Mechanical Designers. And at the End is information on getting your purchased part parameters into your step file using Pro/E (Pro/Engineer) and info on the new Woverine Clamp Riser.


Weld Fixture Design 101 – Review of Best Machine Design Lessons So Far

A quick run down of the best machine tool design blog topics of the year. The Queen of lean machine design shares images, links and pictures from the best blogs so far on Weld Fixture Design 101. Lessons included on clamping, fastening, and detailing.


Machine Design Revisions — 5 Steps Toward Error-Free Documentation

*** Revisions in Weld Fixture or Machine Design What is a revision in machine design?  It is a change to the production machine or weld fixture that is made after the drawings have been “released”. When the drawings are released that means the shop can start machining parts and putting the machine together.  So any changes to the drawing and design are now being made after the metal is formed.  Changes are even made after the machine...


Auxilary Views in Pro/E — Get Ready to Detail Features in an Angled Surface

  Detailed drawings of machine tools need to be easy to understand. Features must be dimensioned in views that face the reader of the drawing. A beginner in Drawing up Machined Parts needs to know how to lay out views so that the machinists that is going to make the part understands what they are looking at.  Auxilary views in Pro/E allow the Detailer to lay out a view of an angled cut so that the face of the cut is parallel to face...


Weld Fixture Design 101 – Drawing Views and Isometric Views of 3D Parts

Just learning CAD Drafting? Beginning Machine Designers can learn the easy to remember "Rule of Thumb" for laying out views of a part in a drawing. Are you an old Pro at Pro/Engineer and CAD Design? How can you make detailing faster and easier? Watch the video and set up an isometric view of a part or assembly using Pro/E Wildfire 4.0.

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