Machine finishes are easy in Machine Tool and Weld Fixture Design if you know what you are doing it and why you are doing it. How much material is normally machined off when creating a smooth, machined surface?
MoreFinished Cuts In Machine Tooling Design
5-Tips for Pick-Off Weld Templates
It is time to talk about weld templates that are not fixed into place. They locate smaller parts onto bigger parts, usually for tack welding. Light weight, removable weld fixtures. Here's 5 tips from the weld fixture experts at Rentapen Inc.
MoreWhat the Beginning Machine Designer Needs to Know about Dowels
Learn the Rules for using Dowels for consistency, repeatability, and precision in weld and assembly fixtures. The Queen of Lean Machine Design at Rentapen shares what she has learned about dowels and dowel holes with CAD Drafters, beginning machine tool designers, and manufacturing engineers. A video shows the perfect "kiss" fit of a slip fit dowel.
MoreWeld and Assembly Fixture Design – Production Part Tolerancing and Consistency
When performance in your fixture is not consistent, maybe it is due to the inconsistency of the production parts. How do you design around large tolerances in weld fixture and product part holding fixtures? Here the weld fixture specialists and Rentapen discuss the topic of production part tolerancing and consistency and its affect on machine design and machine tool function.
MoreMachine Tools – 3 Reasons to Adjust Sub Assemblies in a Weld Fixture
The weld fixture specialists give three reasons to design adjustability in a weld fixture, part holding machine tool, or jig. Using a slide show of images and text, you can learn machine tool design at weld fixture design 101 with the Queen of Lean Machine Design
MoreDon’t Make A Splash, If You Do – Design to Protect from Weld Spatter — in Weld Jig & Fixture Design
Weld splatter can be a real issue in weld fixture maintenance and spatter guards can be key to a functional jig. Some companies use spatter guard. Some cases require a chemical coating on the fixture. See what the welding experts have to say about the ways they use to reduce spatter and protect parts from spatter.
MoreSimple Pointers for Weld Fixture Design — Backbone Trunion Weld Cell
This slide show of a weld fixture shows how production parts can be held in a weld fixture and shows how purchased components can be used to adjust a fixture after it is built and during testing. Colorful and instructive, weld fixture design taught with pictures.