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Weld Fixture and Assembly Fixture — 32 Ways to Precision Locating with Pins

When designing machine tooling fixtures, designers often use locating pins that fit in a hole in the product part for locating the product in the fixture. Allowing for tolerance variation from the ideal drawing of the product is what is addressed in this lesson from Rentapen's Queen of Lean Machine Design. Sign up to be notified when the next fixture design lesson is posted.


Shoulder Screws — Discover 3 Ways to use Shoulder Screws in Weld Fixture Design

How have you used shoulder screws in machine design? I have thought of 3 ways off the top of my head for how to use shoulders screws in weld fixture design. Orient, Pivot and Slide. The shoulder screw is such a neat tool. The shaft is like a dowel with a smooth surface and tight tolerancing....


Discover How To Reduce Costs in Weld Fixture Design — Alter Purchased Components for Less

Machine Tool Designers can save more time and money when they have their RAPid Tooling Components altered right in the same CNC machine that produces the block in the first place. These weld tooling components are made to order, so order your alterations right with them!


Images of Weld Fixtures — Weld Fixture Design 101

Here are some images of weld fixtures we have designed recently. Also, at the end, is a new kind of bike to ride the Rails before they become trails. Enjoy.             Three parts are welded together in this small weld jig.   Top view, same fixture.             The CNC leaves an interesting pattern on this weldment.  It looks wavy, but is very...


What Where and How of Metal Shims

What, Where, and How of Shims and Shim Packs I am excited about our new Free 3D CAD Models ordering service on Rentapen’s web site.  I know I promised to talk more about the simple weld fixture (weld jig), this week,  however I am delaying that because this is (I think) so COOL!! Our line of tooling components are now even easier to use.   I invite you to play with this new 3d model downloading service.  These files are Free! ...


How to Create a Better Weld Fixture, Save Time and Money, Without Leaving Your Chair

Rentapen Inc., located In Waukesha, WI has added a brand new free service to their website. Rentapen is proudly introducing their 3D CAD Models. The 3D Models will be the new American standard for the Machine Designing Industry. Rentapen’s new 3D models will change how Machine Design Engineers and CAD Drafters design their weld fixtures for the better. The 3D Models will greatly reduce machine design time. Machine Design Engineers and CAD...


The Diamond Pin, The Shoulder Screw, and The Bushing-Weld Fixture Design Lesson

Now that we have a Diamond Pin that is only touching the part on the top and the bottom of the pin, we need to make the contact points of the pin remain in the same up and down orientation. To say it differently, we have to make sure the diamond pin doesn’t rotate.  We can do this with a flat cut on the pin and a shoulder screw mounted next to the cut.  Let’s take a look at the video…   Thanks for joining me as we...

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