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Weld Fixture Design 101

Finished Cuts In Machine Tooling Design

Machine finishes are easy in Machine Tool and Weld Fixture Design if you know what you are doing it and why you are doing it. How much material is normally machined off when creating a smooth, machined surface?


5-Tips for Pick-Off Weld Templates

It is time to talk about weld templates that are not fixed into place. They locate smaller parts onto bigger parts, usually for tack welding. Light weight, removable weld fixtures. Here's 5 tips from the weld fixture experts at Rentapen Inc.


Video and Slide Tours of Two Simple Weld Fixtures

Informative video and slide show take the viewer on a tour of two different small weld fixtures. The Queen of Lean Machine Design shows how adjustment shims are used, gussets, RAPid Blocks. She introduces a manual eject lever, and using speedloc technology to create easy change-over fixtures.


Protecting Fasteners from Weld Spatter – And Opportunities at the Weld Fixture Specialists

In this issue of Weld Fixture Design 101, I have two topics. First -- Why Protect Fasteners from Weld Spatter? Then -- Opportunities at the Weld Fixture Specialists in Waukesha, WI. - Come have fun with us as we solve weld fixture design issues.


What the Beginning Machine Designer Needs to Know about Dowels

Learn the Rules for using Dowels for consistency, repeatability, and precision in weld and assembly fixtures. The Queen of Lean Machine Design at Rentapen shares what she has learned about dowels and dowel holes with CAD Drafters, beginning machine tool designers, and manufacturing engineers. A video shows the perfect "kiss" fit of a slip fit dowel.


7 Tips for Better Machine Alignment with Shims – Shimming in Machine Tool Design and Build

Machine Tool Builders and Designers often use custom-cut metal shims for precision adjustments. Here the Queen gives tips on what makes a good steel or stainless steel shim.


Weld Fixture Bases – 3 Reasons and 3 Ways to Design for Mobility in Machine Tool Fixtures

In Machine Tool Design, Weld Fixtures and Assembly Fixtures should be designed sturdy enough to withstand being moved many times. The Queen of Lean Machine Design at Rentapen gives 3 reasons why the fixture might be moved and 3 ways to design the base of the fixture to tolerate the moves.

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